Microsoft is releasing Dynamics GP 2018 R2 on October 1 2018. As usual, this release is providing further enhancements to the core functionality of the system with top features requested by the clients. Microsoft has recently provided a roadmap for Dynamics GP up until 2020.
With every release of Dynamics GP, Microsoft team starts a feature series addressing the features to be introduced in the next release and sheds a light on the functionality enhancement. Below is a brief list of the promised features:
Financial Enhancements
- Exclude items from the HITB with zero quantities ( Historical Inventory Trial Balance)
- Transaction-level posting – post through to GL
- Monthly and Bimonthly recurring batches
- The ability to display or not the inactive checkbooks in Look-ups
- Don’t allow duplicate check numbers for Bank transaction entry, miscellaneous checks
Purchasing Enhancements
- Adding vendor document number to purchasing All in One inquiry
- Mass update inactive from Navigation List, Inactivate Reactivate Temporary
- Checkbook ID defaults on computer checks batch
- Allow partial purchase on a purchase requisition from a PO
- Display vendor Hold status
Sales Enhancements
- Sales Transaction Workflow
- Print invoice in functional currency from SOP Navigation list
- New Smart list for deposits on un-posted sales transactions
- Print and Email SOP documents at the same time
- Customer combiner utility, retain ship to address
- Additional sort options on SOP Item Inquiry
- Email Customer statements
Additional Top Features
- Hide business analyzer for all users
- Increase Dynamics GP password maximum length to 21 characters
- Password expiry notifications
- Smart list designer favorites display in the navigation list
Best Regards,
Mahmoud M. AlSaadi