Dynamics GP 2018 has been recently released introducing several enhancements and new features to various modules. Upgrading your system into the most recent release of Dynamics GP ensures that you are up to date with the most requested enhancements requested by the GP community. Although, before kicking off your upgrade project, you do need to read the following article in order to touch upon the primary essential topics for upgrade
System Requirements for Dynamics GP 2018
Initially, before rolling up your sleeves, read thoroughly the system requirements for Dynamics GP 2018 which sheds a light on the supported and not supported systems including windows platform, SQL server …etc. In several projects, the upgrade fails due to the fact that the minimum system requirements are not met by the client and rather taken for granted, which results in devastating outcomes. Therefore, pay extra caution to the fact that system requirements are the very first baby steps that you should take.
On Premises versus Cloud
There are new questions which you need to ask regarding the infrastructure of your Dynamics GP deployment, are you willing to move to the cloud or stay on premises. This is a turn key question which requires comprehensive answers from the IT department and should be in coherence with the company strategy. Certain companies are moving to the cloud which should be considered as part of your upgrade strategy.
Dynamics GP 2018 Enhancements – New Features
Dynamics GP 2018 has introduced several enhancements fulfilling top clients requests. You’ve asked for it, and now it is part of the new version. Therefore, it is essential to present these new features to the client process owners and departments so that you either resolve a current pain or enhance a business process. In this essence, it is important to shed a light on the most attractive features in GP2018:
1- Document Attachment Enhancements
2- Better User Experience:
– Sorting Options or several inquiry windows
– New more system password prompts
– Several enhancements to the GP Web Client
– Smart list favorites unique passwords
3- Financial Enhancements
– Analytical Accounting copy user access
– Ability to email and print single statement from customer card
– Purchase Order Generator enhancements
– Link PO to a requisition by displaying the PO number on the requisition list
– Printing purchase requisition report
– Display hold status on SOP transaction entry
– Vendor settings optimizations
4- Workflow Management Enhancements
5- Power Suite Evolutions
Current System Customizations
As part of the upgrade plan, current system customizations should be thoroughly analyzed in order to provide an impact-analysis on the upgrade and how it will affect such customizations. This includes but not limited to VBA, modifier, VSTools …etc. The best way to check current system customization and the impact of the upgrade on them is to do “Upgrade Testing” which is explained in the next step.
Upgrades mostly starts with testing, there is no single client which usually upgrades directly on the live environment without prior thorough testing on a separate test environment which is identical of the live environment. This helps the client checks whether any issues will be encountered as part of the upgrade, as well as checking customizations validity.
Last but not least, communicating your upgrade, system new features and enhancements with the concerned stakeholders is a key to a successful upgrade. It’s required to get in touch with the business process owners, demonstrate the new system functionality, confirm with them that the new system will not affect negatively any of the current processes, and ensure to implement any change as part of the upgrade plan.
Eventually, it is important to remember that upgrading to Dynamics GP 2018 is an absolute added value to the any GP client right now due the fact that Microsoft is responding to the various GP Community requests with every single release, delivering exceptional versions of the system and proving how mature Dynamics GP is.
Keep in mind that Dynamics GP is staying forever
Best Regards,
Mahmood M. AlSaadi – MVP
Principal Dynamics ERP Consultant
SIROCo LLC – (844) 708-0008
McKinney TX