In previous versions of Dynamics GP, end-users have complained about the ability to have print-out or the purchase requisition document in Dynamics GP. Several GP community end-users have asked for it, here is one.

There have been several workaround solutions such as the one which has been proposed by MVP Mohammad Daoud on this link. The idea was to create a custom SSRS report and having it assigned to the purchase requisition form until an official resolution from Microsoft would be introduced.

Today, with the release of Dynamics GP 2018, the print-out for the purchase requisition has been made available as part of the standard functionality of the system. It has been absolutely annoying not to have this report, and we have to customize it almost in every single GP implementation throughout the previous two years.

From Dynamics GP, Transactions > Purchasing > Purchase Requisition :

Dynamics GP 2018 - Print Purchase Requisition Document
Dynamics GP 2018 – Print Purchase Requisition Document

Click on Print, it’s working now. The report name is “Purchase c” as shown below:

Dynamics GP 2018 - Print Purchase Requisition Document